鹿児島編KAGOSHIMA team
そうこうしているうちに夕方くらいになり周りも少し暗くなり始め、小雨もパラついてきて、みんなが少し焦り始めてきましたが僕だけ平常心を装いながら電波が入るか入らないかの所でgoogle map見たら残り6kmの表示が出てきて、一瞬氷ついたけどヤバイ感じがバレないように笑顔で必死に進んで行きました。
そして休み休み走りながら、なんとか暗くなる寸前に林道から出られて、その途中にあった奇跡の自販でコーラx1本 グングングルトx2本飲みほし10分休憩してなんとか下り基調の道を飛ばしキャンプ場にたどり着いて、日が落ちる前にテント張って、その後ご飯作って食べて飲んでその日の反省会して終わりました。
It was a cloudy day. We went down to Minami-Osumi-Cho by car and left our car near the campsite, then stated pedaling from there.
We had to ride about 10km to reach the forest trail, which took most of our stamina and lead to arriving very late to the trail that we were supposed to ride. All the riders had already drank all their water and there were no vending machines to be found near the location. We managed to find a spring, so we filled our bottles with the spring water and started the trial ride.
The trail was about 15km. The start of the trail was relatively flat, so we had fun riding, but as we go down further, the ground started to get very rough to the point where we couldn't ride our bikes. We had to push our bikes for a few kilometers and had a mechanical problem so we spent a lot of time in the forrest.
It was starting to get dark and a small mount of rain had stated falling. Everybody was starting to get worried. As I pretended to act like everything thing was alright, I opened up google map in the middle of nowhere. Phone signal was barely there, but I managed to find out where we were. Our destination was still 6km away in this hopeless situation, but I smiled told the others that everything was okay and started riding.
We kept riding while constantly taking a break and we finally managed to get out of the forest before it was pitch black and found ourselves a vending machine. I chugged one bottle of coke and two yogurt drinks and took time to catch our breathes. We bombed the hill to the campsite and were able to set up our camps before it got dark. We made ourselves dinner, drank some boose and talked about this trippy adventure we just had.
予想していないcamp outになりましたが、また素敵なライドを開催できればと思っています。
Everybody kept telling me that the ride was brutal but fun at the same time.
I had two routes in mind for this trip. My team mates told me that they wanted to ride a longer distance, so I chose the longer route. From now on, I will make sure to bring snacks and more drinks when I'm going to riding a long forest trail, because I thought I was done. 15km may sound like it's not that much of a long distance, but riding 15km of unpaved ground is pretty tough. I felt the same fatigue when riding 40km of paved road. I knew it was going to be a long ride, but I completely forgot to keep in mind that we aren't always on our bikes.
Again, the ride was tough, but I can't forget the joy and everybody's faces when they realized we made it out safely. I think I was the one who was freaking out the most.
It was raining the next day, so we canceled our plan of riding another trail, ate breakfast, packed up and made our way home. We stopped for lunch on our way back and got back to the shop in the evening. We said good bye and headed back to our homes.
I was worried if I had brought enough stuff to a two day campout. There were definitely more stuff I should have brought, but I felt something special when we were helping each other out during the ride. My team mates/regular customers of the shop kept on telling me how they had a lot of fun and it made them want a new bike or camping gear, which made me very happy that I hosted this trip. I'm so glad that we made it out in one piece.
The trip turned out the way I had never expected, but I would love to host another ride soon.
I'll make sure to have more exprerince until then.