東京都TOKYO あきる野市編AKIRUNO team
セント[メカニック] Sent[Mechanic]
- *NITTO* M-1B front rack + *ULTRAROMANCE* fabio's chest small *NITTO* M-1B front rack + *ULTRAROMANCE* fabio's chest small
- *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* hold fast frame bag(M) *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* hold fast frame bag(M)
- *OUTER SHELL ADVENTURE* dropper seatpack *OUTER SHELL ADVENTURE* dropper seatpack
- *ILE* phone holster *ILE* phone holster
- *WIDEFOOT* cargo mount *WIDEFOOT* cargo mount
- バイクパッキングスタイルでライドの快適性は意識しました。ハンドル、フレーム、シートとなるべく重さの分散も意識して快適でした。今回テント椅子マットを軽量化して積んでいく物を増やしました、焚き火台や雨天用のタープ、チタンの焼き網など、色々その場で出来る事がある方が楽しいのでバランス取れてたかなと思います。詳しく見る I focused on improving comfort during my rides with this bike packing. Spread out the luggage weight on the handlebar, frame, and seat, which made my ride easier. This time I swapped my tent, chair, and mattress to a lighter one to pack extra items. Bonfire stand, Tarp for sudden rain, and a titanium gridiron… Bringing something that I can do only in camping was part of the fun, and was so worth it!
ピーク[オンラインストア] Peak[Online store staff]
- バイクBIKE
- *RIVENDELL* clem smith jr. *RIVENDELL* clem smith jr.
- *NITTO* M-1B front rack + *WALD* 137 basket + *FIFTH SEASON* squall sack *NITTO* M-1B front rack + *WALD* 137 basket + *FIFTH SEASON* squall sack
- *NITTO* rivendell big back rack 33R + *BLUE LUG* grocery pannier *NITTO* rivendell big back rack 33R + *BLUE LUG* grocery pannier
- 今回でキャンプライド2回目な若輩者で知識やノウハウ全くないながらテーマである美味しいものを作る為の食材を多く運べるように荷物は余計なものは持たず少なめで挑みました。フロントバッグ、左右パニアの装備でしたが片方のパニアは空の状態だったので、野菜収穫後、買い出し後でもまだ余裕があり。 As a beginner, and this only being my 2nd time doing a camp ride, I tried to bring as less as I can, so that there’s a lot of space to carry fresh harvested vegetables, which was the main theme for this ride. Went with a front bag and two panniers. Because I brought an empty pannier on one side, I still had some room after putting those veggies and other goodies we bought.
MAX[バッグデザイナー] MAX[Bag designer]
- *NITTO* campee front rack + *V.A* hippobag + *V.A* pannier *NITTO* campee front rack + *V.A* hippobag + *V.A* pannier
- 美しくパッキングしたいのでなるべくバッグの中に道具は納める。猛暑が予想されたので、自転車に装備できるウォーターボトルを2つとも保冷できるボトルにした。中に氷を入れているので終日キンキンの水分補給できるのでリフレッシュ度UPと熱中症対策。ステンレスボトルだから見た目もシックでよし。キャンプをより快適に過ごしたいから座り心地向上を目指して、ヘリノックスチェアミニタクティカル→ヘリノックスチェアゼロ ハイバックに変更。重量と体積は少し増したけど、狙い通り快適に過ごせたので1軍入りです。 I prefer an elegant packing, thus I packed most things to fit in a bag. The weather report told us that it’s gonna be streaming hot, so I brought two water bottles that can keep my drinks cool, and the stainless body looks chic. Being extra careful to heatstroke, I put loads of ice in it. In pursuit of a better relaxing experience whilst camping, I changed my Helinox Chair Mini Tactical to Helinox Chair Zero High Back. I bit heavier and bulkier, but it was so comfortable. Definitely gonna be joining my first team.
アロ[オンラインストア/撮影] Aro[Photographer]
- バイクBIKE
- *SURLY* pack rat
- *SURLY* nice rack front + *WALD* 137 basket + *REALM* wald 137 basket bag + *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* jr. ranger pannier *SURLY* nice rack front + *WALD* 137 basket + *REALM* wald 137 basket bag + *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* jr. ranger pannier
- *NITTO* campee R15 bag supporter + *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* zeitgeist *NITTO* campee R15 bag supporter + *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* zeitgeist
- *BLUE LUG* stem pouch *BLUE LUG* stem pouch
- カメラ機材があったので、フロントのREALMをほぼ空にして機材を出し入れしやすくしたのが吉でした。反省はとにかく荷物が多すぎたことです。 Since I had my camera gears with me, it was great that I packed my Realm front bag almost empty, so that I can take my cameras in and out with ease. The one reflection I have: brought way too much stuff!!
なつみ[オンラインストア] Natsumi[Online store staff]
- *NITTO* rivendell 52F basket rack + *WALD* 137 basket + *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* jr. ranger pannier *NITTO* rivendell 52F basket rack + *WALD* 137 basket + *SWIFT INDUSTRIES* jr. ranger pannier
- *NITTO* rivendell big back rack 32R + *V.A* hippo bag *NITTO* rivendell big back rack 32R + *V.A* hippo bag
おいしいものを食べることをゴールとしてその為に道中で野菜収穫とゆうイベントを盛り込んだところ、夜ごはんに向けての準備段階もみんなで楽しめたのがとても良かったです。 Since I was able to participate last year as well, I brought my last’s year’s reflection to this trip and improved my packing method. Made enough space for extras!
The trip was great, was able to achieve our camp ride theme by picking vegetables on the way. It was also great that we all enjoyed preparing dinner together.
REPORTby なつみ
6/24 Sat
Our team played at Akiruno City, Tokyo.
The theme of our trip was “take-it-easy-and-eat-many-delicious-foods camp!!” As a head of BL gourmet finding (named it myself), I really needed a delicious objective when planning our camping trip!
Our team members were Aro-chan (Photographer), Peak-san (Online Store Staff), MAX-san (Sewing Team Staff), Cent-san (Mechanic at Yoyogi Park Store), and me. Quite a unusual combination!
Cent-san is the only member who goes camping often, the rest are not so used to riding long hours, and to be honest most didn’t wanna go super hard… hahaha. So this year we’ve made a camping plan that is enjoyable for even people like us!
A relatively relaxing start in the morning. We all met up at Izumi-Tamagawa train station.(MAX-san joined us later as he had his daughter’s sports day on the same day. Will turn up shortly)
Our first destination is “Tokyo Terra Farm”.
This is where you can try out vegetable picking, and we did so to prepare our dinner supply. It was all green around us, almost had to believe that this is also Tokyo. It was a peaceful place to spend.
It was only a 30 minute ride from the farm to the campsite. There weren’t so many hills along the way, so I think you can try it even you are not confident with your fitness.
As we started to feel a comfortable amount of sweat, we reached camp! Today we stayed at a campsite called “Shizenjin-Mura”. Apart from the tent area we used, they also had tiny houses to stay, built so that it won’t harm the current natural environment. Next time, I’d like to try out those tiny houses!
We got out of the sauna, and now the long awaited dinner!
Tonight’s camp menu was freshly picked vegetables with home made curry! and MAX-san’s Chilli beans!
We were all starving, and we soon emptied our plates.
After our meal, we made toasted marshmallows surrounding a fire, which Aro-chan wanted to do so bad.
Night has fallen, and we were all feeling a comforting fatigue and a full stomach, The sound of fire made up sleepy, now it’s time for bed. Good night…
6/26 Sun
Morning at camp was earlier than usual, with sounds from streams and animal moving around waking us up.
When I got out of the tent, MAX-san and Cent-san was already building a fire. It was a slightly cool morning, so having fire was perfect, thank you to you two! We were hungry, so shall we cook breakfast? Was a lush breakfast, had MAX-san’s special Chilli Beans on a fresh cooked Bread from the Bakery. Brewed some coffee as well, everything you want for a great morning. After breakfast, we all started packing each of our gears, and with a stroll around a campsite, we were slowly ready to leave.
At first we were planning to go back home straight, but we felt a bit sad parting ways with just this, so we decided to do one last journey in search of a great dish. Arrived at “Unagi Takase”, a popular Unagi restaurant alongside the Tamagawa river. An hour standing was so worth it, Right after eating I could feel the energy running through my body! And so that’s how we end our camp ride, well done to all!!
わたしにとって2回目の「SWIFT CAMPOUT」やっぱり最高のイベントでこのメンバーで参加できて本当にたのしかったです。
今回道中でも”SWIFT INDUSTRIES”のバッグをつけてキャンプへ出掛ける仲間も見つけたりしてとてもうれしい気持ちになりました。毎年続くこの最高のイベントが少しでも多くの人に広まって楽しんでくれる人が増えるといいなと思いました。
My 2nd time to join “SWIFT CAMPOUT”. I really enjoyed this awesome ride and camping with these members. This time, we wanted to do a easy-going camp ride which we only ride on bikes, thus made our destination in Tokyo.
I’m so glad we knew that we could achieve an extraordinary experience within the wilderness by cycling only a few hours. If you are not very used to bike packing, I bet it’s quite an hurdle to think about Rinko, or taking bikes on a car. I hope our experience will give you an example of what you can do without all of those difficulty.
We were really happy to see some pals along the way who got SWIFT bags on their bikes, heading out on their own campouts. I hope there will be even more people who joins us to this brilliant annual event next year!
That’s all from us, Thank you for reading!!
〜 旅を振り返って 〜Reflecting On The Trip
Reflecting On The Trip

Long sleeve T-shirt I wore kept me dry throughout whilst blocking UV rays on my arms. I ensure you, wearing long sleeves for summer is no myth!
I recommend combining a fast drying long sleeve T-shirt with a soaked Tenugui towel around your neck!

The improvement for my next ride has to be about my water supplies. Drinking room temperature water in this heat did not make me feel reenergized at all. MAX-san brought a vacuum flask, I was jealous how he filled some ice into it. Next time, I’ll bring a vacuum flask instead of a normal water bottle.

I brought wayyy too much stuff with me. I was thinking I did quite a good job packing, but it was close to hell when I started riding. That pure sense of despair I felt when I saw a hill in front of me, I will remember that for my rest of life.

I did’t look into any information about the sauna facility in the campsite beforehand, but it was new and clean! Special drinks and chill areas were prepared, we had a luxurious experience. The #1 highlight for me for sure. Because of it, I didn’t feel any pain at all the next day and felt fresh when cycling!

My first self-travelled camp ride, and my first sauna. Knew what it means to truly refresh. I felt alive throughout this trip. And the cat at the farm was Kawaii!!!

1. Split the team into two, one group gets vegetables, and another buys bread at the local bakery.
2. Bring good variations of seasonings
Just with this two tips, everything we cook becomes delicious.

It was an over-the-moon experience to enjoy the fully reserved sauna at camp with everyone. 100+℃, relaxing and very clean air bath space, cold baths at the nearby stream, and free drinks included in the plan… All the fatigue blew away, and I enjoyed every single moment. Updated my best cycling route starting from the center of Tokyo. Was able to realize again how great the cycling road along the Tama river was. Easy to ride with great views.