GILLES BERTHOUD is well-known for leather saddles.

Let me introduce you items other than saddles this time.

I thought they are a leather components manufacture, but they are a cool bike shop!

They have a lot of cool stuffs. Just seeing their website is really fun.

*GILLES BERTHOUD* leather bar tape

Compared to BROOKS one, it is thinner and a bit more moist. My palm is relatively small but can hold tightly. Due to its nice feeling, I touch it for no reason.

The tanned leather would be fitting any kind of bike from everyday bikes to road bikes.

The faults are that it has no cushion and costly. I will use it carefully.

*GILLES BERTHOUD* bar-end plug cnc alloy and leather

In my opinion, their classic bar-end plug is this.

*GILLES BERTHOUD* bar-end plug cnc alloy and leather stole my heart. I recommend well recently.

The bike in above picture was built with my suggestion. I did “Chashu Maki” for the first time.

This makes a nice gift.

GILLES BERTHOUD has cool items other than saddles.

Please check this out.