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WILDE Jeffrey G. Frane Interview with Blue Lug

WILDEは、All-Cityの創設者Jeffrey G. Franeと、ミネアポリスのバイクショップANGRY CATFISHのJosh Klauckが中心となって立ち上げられたブランドです。

2021年にスタートしたWILDEですが、Blue Lugでもいよいよフレームの取扱がスタートし、そのタイミングでジェフさんにインタビューを敢行。


自転車の世界に長らく大きな影響を与えてきた人物ジェフさん。そしてWilde Bikesとは?

Wilde Bikes is a bicycle company founded by Jeffrey G. Frane, the founder of All-City Cycles, Josh Klauck and Andy Tesch who are the owner of Angry Catfish, a bike shop in Minneapolis.

Wilde was founded in 2021 and now we are proud to announce that we are an official dealer of Wilde Bikes.
We were fortunate enough to have Jeff answer a few questions we had for him and Wilde. I hope this interview makes you get into what they do and why they do what they do...

One story we remember clearly is that, when we spoke with Mr. Yoshikawa from Nitto, at their 100th anniversary, we asked him, who he wanted to collaborate the most right now, and he replied "Wilde Bikes".

See? You're getting interested aren't you?
What and who are Wilde Bikes? Let's find out.

- あなた(ジェフ)の事を教えて。今までのキャリアや住んでる所など。

- Would you care to introduce yourself? Where are you based? We'd also love to hear what you have accomplished in the bicycle industry.

"Bike Jerks"として認知してくれている人もいるかもしれないけど、多くの人はAll-City Cyclesの創設者として知ってくれているでしょう。

Hi, I'm Jeffrey G. Frane and I'm based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. You may know me from my output as “Bike Jerks,” but more likely it’s because of my work as the founder and leader of All-City Cycles.

あとはコミュニティオーガナイザーとして、今まで"All City Championships"、"Hodag Country Ramble"、"Rough Stuff Rally"、"Bandit Cross"や"Great Minnesota Bike Swap"などのイベントを主催してきたよ。

Building that brand was a dream come true, and I am incredibly proud of the things that the team at All-City accomplished during my time there. We used the resources available to support the cycling community and built one of the more inclusive and interesting brands of the last decade.
In addition I am a community organizer and host of several events including the All City Championships, Hodag Country Ramble, Rough Stuff Rally, Bandit Cross, and the Great Minnesota Bike Swap.

- たびたび自分のパーツを個人のigアカウントで売っているけれどどのくらい持ってるの?ぶっちゃけ手放さなきゃよかったなぁ〜ってなってるパーツとか1個くらいあるんじゃない?


- We've seen many of your personal collections being sold via your IG, @bikejerks. How many "stocks" do you have and are there any bikes or parts that you regret selling?

I haven't counted lately, but I probably have around 30 bikes or so, with about six being ones that I ride weekly. And there's always some coming in or out, I like to buy them, build them, learn about them, photograph and sell them after riding them a while. This allows me to continually learn more about what I like and don't like in a bike, and the sharing with others has become a huge motivation for me. It's super fun to pass the photos and knowledge on to others in the community. There isn't much I regret selling, mostly parts that I'd never thought I'd use, and then a few years later a bike will come into my possession that "needs" that one thing and I'll have to go find one to buy. I tend to get really emotionally attached to things, but quickly fall in love with something else and forget about it once it leaves my possession.

- マウンテン、トラック、ロード、グラベル、全方位的に自転車が大好きなのが垣間見えるけれど今気分なジャンルって何?

ここ最近はSupertrampに乗って、目的なしにクルーズするのが好きかな。今はグラベルレースのシーズンだからEarth Shipで長距離もよく走ってる。

- We are assuming that you like all sorts of genre for cycling. What genre is the mood for you now?

I absolutely ride and race everything: fat bikes, mountain bikes, gravel, cyclocross, tracklocross, etc. Lately I've been really enjoying just exploring on my Supertramp, cruising around in the evenings with no particular destination in mind. We're also in the middle of gravel race season so I'm doing lots of longer rides on my Earth Ship.

- 自転車以外に趣味や好きなことはある?


- Any other interests other than bikes?

I'm deeply into the custom van scene here in the United States (think shag carpet, big airbrushed wizard murals, and custom bedroom-like interiors), off-road vehicles, as well as custom motorcycles. In fact I once imported a 1994 Toyota HiAce into the States from Japan to be my adventure mobile. I like to customize everything and van's and motorcycles are one more outlet for me to build something that is unique and represents my artistic vision.

- All-City時代からカッコいいバイク(量産だけどハンドメイドに施されるような細工等)を作ってるけど、インスピレーションはどこから湧いてくるの?


- You have always designed gorgeous bikes with great details that look handmade, from when you were at All-City Cycles. Where does the inspiration come from?

I am a collector of vintage bicycles, especially 1980's mountain bikes. I've always been drawn to the details and believe it's the little things, like thoughtful cable routing, that really show whether or not a bike has been made / designed by someone who really cares. With All-City we wanted to bring details that were formerly only available in high end custom bikes or that had been lost to time back into the mainstream bike world. Things like internal cable routing, star reinforcements on the water bottle bosses, our own unique custom dropouts etc. Lately as bikes themselves have gotten visually busier with more bosses, like three pack mounts and such, I've championed a less ornate but more streamlined approach. I think that Wilde's do a good job of having all the features, but those features don't dominate the silhouette of the bike, they blend in and give a nice clean presentation.

- Wildeについて教えて。どんなブランド? "wild"の語尾に"e"をつけた理由はあったりするの?

- What is Wilde Bikes? What kind of brand is it? Are there any reasons you added the "e" in the end of the word "wild"?


Wilde is the chance to put all of my heart, soul, knowledge, experience, and passion into creating the finest bicycles I possibly can and continue contributing to the culture. It's the culmination of a life spent riding, designing and learning about bicycles. I have dedicated my entire adult life to the bicycle and everything I've done so far has led up to this unique moment and opportunity. I like to say that I'm writing my "love-letter to cycling."

ブランド名の"WILDE"には様々な由来がある。そのうちの一つは、元Golden Saddle Cycleryのカイルの口癖 "that's wild." (ワイルドだね〜)からでもある。
もう一つはAll-Cityと距離を置きたいという願いから。City (街)の反対は、Wilderness (荒野) つまりwildだ。バイクカンパニーの名前を考えるのは難しいけど、我ながらWildeという名前とコンセプトは気に入っている。

The name came from a number of inspirations, one of those is my good friend Kyle Kelley of Golden Saddle Cyclery who often says "that's wild." Another one was my desire to distance myself from my previous work at All-City, I figured that the opposite of a city was wilderness or the wild. Coming up with a good name for a bike company is hard but I'm happy with the name and concept. The "e" makes it more of an "idea" and less of a "word" to me and looks better on a downtube, it's also an homage to the writer Oscar Wilde.

あとは、作家のOscar Wildeに対してのオマージュだよ。Oscar Wildeの名言をいくつか貼っておくね。

Here are a few favorite Oscar Wilde quotes: "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." "I have the simplest of tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." "I can resist everything except temptation.“ "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

- Wildeは誰が運営してる?

僕と、ミネアポリスの有名なバイクショップ、アングリーキャットフィッシュで働くアンディーとジョッシュが運営している。 僕と彼らの技術が相まってとてもいいチームだと思っているよ。

- Who's behind the brand?

Wilde is myself, and my business partners Andy and Josh who own the famous Angry Catfish bike shop in Minneapolis. They're skills compliment mine and we make a really good team.

- Wildeのバイクにはどういうライダーが合いそう?どう乗って欲しい?

答えになっていないのは分かっているけど、Wildeはどんなライダーにも適しているし、このWildeという名のテントは広いから皆が入れる。 冒険やキャンプが好きなのは僕らも一緒。速く走ってレースをすることが好きなのも一緒。僕は何かひとくくりにされる事は嫌だ。全部やりたい。 限界なんてつまらないし、ルールは破るためにある。

- How should people ride Wilde bikes? What type of riders are ideal in your opinion?

Wilde is for everybody. It's a love-letter to cycling and a chance for us to share our passion for bicycles with the world and hopefully to help make it a better place in some small way. If you love bicycles, and our bikes spark joy and interest for you, then we're for you and you're for us. I realize that's sort of a non-answer, but all riders are ideal and our tent is big enough for everyone. If you like exploring and camping, so do we. If you like to race hard and go fast, we do too. I never want myself or my cycling to be put in any boxes, I'm here for all of it. Limits are boring, rules are for breaking. I hope riders use our bikes as a canvas to express their own unique style and to bring them happiness and joy.

- 車種それぞれの名前の由来は?

- Any back stories for the name of the bikes?


Naming bikes is one of my great joys in life, I think I've done well with ones like the Space Horse, Nature Boy, and Log Lady, and now with Wilde I'm continuing the work. I have naming list with hundreds of entries, I just need to find the bike it fits.

Earth ShipはWildeのファーストバイクで、スペースホースやコズミックスタリオンの続編的ポジションだけど、Wildeらしさを加えてよりアウトドアっぽい感じにしたバイクだね。Earth Shipは世界を最も効率良く旅できるバイクだ。
あとは"fellowship" (友情 / 分かち合うこと) という言葉があるように、地球や人々に良くありたいという意味合いを込めた"earthship"という造語でもある。

The Earth Ship was the first Wilde and I felt like it was a bit of a continuation of the Space Horse and Cosmic Stallion line but I wanted something that was Wilde and grounded in a love for the outdoors, Earth Ship fit as it's a bike for traveling as efficiently as possible across the planet. It also speaks to things like "fellowship," I think of "earthship" as a concept of being good to the world and everyone in it. It's also a style of sustainable architecture in the South Western United States, so it works on a bunch of levels.

Supertrampは、シングルスピード・バイクパッキング・エンデュランスのチャンピオンでもあり、僕の友人でもあるベイリー・ニューベリーが由来なんだ。ニューメキシコ州はサンタ・フェにある彼の家を訪れた時に、Supertrampというロックバンドの"Breakfast in America"というアルバムを教えてもらって以来、そのアルバムを聴くと彼とバイクパッキングを思い出すようになったことからついた名前だよ。それと、"tramp"には放浪者という意味もあるから旅をバイクする為のこのバイクにうまくハマったんだよね。

Supertramp was named in honor of my friend Bailey Newbrey who is a champion in single speed bike packing endurance events like the Tour Divide. While staying at his house in Santa Fe, New Mexico he introduced me to the rock band SuperTramp's album "Breakfast in America." So now whenever I hear that album I think of him and bike packing. Plus tramps were folks who traveled from place to place, which is what that bike is all about.

Ramblerは、僕が主催するイベントの"Hodag Country Ramble"のライドスタイルに合わせて作ったから"Rambler"。

The Rambler is named after the style of riding from my event the Hodag Country Ramble and of course the Yo Jeffy! is named after my dream bike growing up, the Fat Chance Yo! Eddy mountain bike.

Yo Jeffy!はもちろん、幼い頃からのドリームバイクであるFat ChanceのYo! Eddyが由来だよ。

- S&Mとタッグを組んでcardinal barを作成したのが非常に興味深いので、それにまつわるエピソードを聞かせて。

僕はBMXに乗って育ったし、S&Mは当時からレジェンドカンパニーで、今となっては希少なMade in USAのBMXカンパニーなんだ。

- It was very interesting see you guys tagging up with S&M Bikes to make the cardinal bars. How did that come about?

I grew up riding BMX and S&M has always been a legendary company and one of the few remaining Made in USA bmx companies. I look at BMX a lot as an industry because the BMX riders support rider owned companies instead of the big corporations, I want more of cycling to be like that. Riders supporting Riders. Teaming up with them to produce a handlebar was a natural fit and an honor for us. They're legends.

- 昔の名車たちのペイントスキームを現行のバイクにオマージュしてペイントすることはよくあることだけれど、往年の名車の中でペイントのイメージが心に深く刻まれているバイクって何?

僕は受けた影響をはっきりと表に出すタイプで、昔のグラデーションペイントも大好きだよ。そういったクラシックなものから得たインフルエンスを元に、現代的な物を作る事は常に目標にしている。 レトロ風なバイクを作りたい訳ではなく、モダンだけど過去の名車に対するリスペクトや愛が垣間見えるような物を作りたいんだ。

- Having a similar paint scheme as the classic bikes from the past on Modern bikes, have become quite common these days, to pay homage to the classic bike manufacturers. Are there any certain bikes that had a paint scheme you can't forget?

I wear my influences on my sleeve, and love the fade paint schemes from the past. My goal as always is to take those classic influences and use them to create things that are very contemporary. I don't want any of our bikes to look retro, I want them to look modern but for riders to be able to see the love and respect for what came before us in everything we do.

- 日本に来る予定は?


- Any plans of visiting Japan?

I sure hope so, of all the places I've visited I like Japan the best. I've been lucky enough to visit three times and this time I'd really like to do a tour of the countryside. Cities are great, but I find it's in the country that the unique character of a place really shines. You just need a bit of space to really see it. Let's plan a tour together?

- 最後に一言お願いします。

日本の自転車カルチャーは素晴らしいということを知ってほしい。パスハンティングとか70〜80年代のアーバンサイクリングカルチャーとか。 日本のライダーがひとつひとつのビルドにたくさんの工夫を施す様子は僕にとって大きなインスピレーションだし、そんな日本にWildeが認められることは本当に嬉しいことだよ。Blue LugとBlue Lugのお客様には本当に感謝している。ありがとう!

- Are there anything you would like to let the people know?

I'd like people to know that Japanese cycling culture is amazing, the pass hunting of the 70's and 80's, the urban cycling movement, etc. Riders here put so much thought into every aspect of their builds, it's so inspiring to me. To be accepted here means the world to us and I want to thank Blue Lug and their customers for inviting us into their world!

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