I have been using DURA ACE crankset recently.
I had used CAMPAGNOLO RECORD before and really like its weight, appearance and feeling.
It touches the chain stay of my bike, so I was forced to change the crankset.
DURA ACE is still pretty good!
I prefer cranksets with a square tapered spindle due to its feelings.
Pedaling daily a Hollowtech II type crankset is a little tired for me. They are transmitting really well to ride faster.
Because spindles of square tapered BB is thiner, soft feeling on pedaling and thin appearance crankset are favorite part of these crankset.
My favorite square tapered crankset for track bike is CAMPAGNOLO RECORD. I really like its lightweight thin crank arms .
The classic of track bike crankset, SUGINO 75 is a bit heavier than record and transmitting the power well. A lot of people must like this crankset.
Then, how is the DURA ACE?
It has the similar feelings like the record. Due to scraped a lot, much lighter than SUGINO75.
It is NJS certificated. durability is no doubt.
By the way, you may think that the DURA ACE has hollowed crank arms. I also think that.
So, I asked SHIMANO that.
“The square tapered crankset, FC-7600 is not hollowed. However, we scraped them extremely to take a balance between weight and durability. Other DURA ACE crankset like octalink system, FC-7710 are hollowed.”
Above FC-7600, bellow FC-7710
Well, hollowed crankset looks slightly thicker. How is the weight?
The difference is 10g. I have used it just.a few times.
I want to use PHILWOOD BB and I use fc-7600.
If you meet the weight and durability, I would recommend FC-7710 as well.