I made socks. Out of nowhere. Even though, I’m a mechanic.

I sampled the object that might look familiar for people who live/work in Japan, or have been to Japan and rode bikes, drove cars, and took walks.

*SOCKGUY* guardrail socks
There’s no twist to the design what so ever. Just some pairs of socks with some graphics of guardrails.

They kinda look like skate socks from the distance right?

I didn’t think about creating something sporty or bike related. I wanted something that everyone could wear in their daily lives.

I got a little help from Asahi, my good ol’ buddy and a new member of the Blue Lug team.
Him and I go way back. Back to when we were still working as a bike messengers.

We were talking about guardrails in the process of designing the socks, and man. All the memories of the time we were running around Tokyo with our bikes hit us hard.
We would lock our bikes to them, sit on them to get some rest,
and would crash into them by accident. They’ve always been here with us during the good times and the bad times.
I spent most of my young age on the streets. I wanted to dedicate these socks to all my “Homies” out there in the streets, who helped me out during those times. (Yes I’m talking about guardrails)

Blue Lug logo and the word 日本(Nihon) meaning “Japan” on the bottom to add some sort of souvenir vibe to it.
Fun fact, for the white socks, I picked the word 東京(Tokyo) to put on the bottom. Why you may ask??

That’s because the guardrail printed on the white ones are the guardrails that can only be seen in Tokyo. Yup. I’m talking about the Ginkgo leaf symboled guardrails.

The guardrail you can see on the picture above, that kinda looks like a face of a frog, is the one you can see in most of the prefectures.
I also heard that Tokyo has many different guardrails depending on the cities. I mean, to go search for all those different guardrails sounds like a fun adventure itself! I would LOVE to make socks for each one of them.

I also want these socks to be like a souvenir for people from overseas or for those who live out of Tokyo.
We are not able to travel around the globe in the world we live in today. Things are complicated. We’re all feeling blue.
However, we get tons of emails and DMs from people out of Japan or Tokyo saying that they want to visit Blue Lug SO BAD!!
It really makes my day seeing those kinds of messages, and I want ya’ll to come visit the shop too. But the world is still not in good shape. So, I’m hoping that these socks will somehow let you feel the breeze of Tokyo and Blue Lug.
I’d love to see you guys come and hangout at the shop in these socks, when every thing is back to normal.

See ya til’ then.