Hey ya’ll,
I want you guys to check out this page.


It’s about the annual bike-camp event held by Swift Industries, which is the bike bag company we carry here at Blue Lug.
For this year, the members of Blue Lug Kamiuma and a couple of guys from Hatagaya participated in the event.

In this special page, you can see contents of what our boys brought to the camp, what bike they chose for the adventure, and what they have learned, mainly from Tanifun’s (the store manager of BL Kamiuma) point of view.
Now now, don’t worry. We have it translated for you guys overseas.

The guys did an excellent job at taking the pictures. All the photos made me want to go on an adventure. It also inspired me a lot as well. For a people that only rides bikes on concrete roads, this might be an eyes opener for new ways to enjoy bikes.
I truly recommend checking the page out whether if you are an experienced camper or a beginner camper!