We’ve remodeled the Bike Carry Bag of Fairweather. The bike bags are necessary for a leisure season in Japan.

The new model has been slightly updated. Let’s take a look!

These are made of a high-density ripstop nylon. It is also back coating.

We changed iron springs for the new cord locks, which is more difficult to break. These also provide more power for holding parts. The orange color helps to find when it’s dark.

The cords are long enough for fat tires and aero frames.
Even though the new one is heavier, it is more durable and easier to use. Many people hesitate to travel on the train with a bicycle in Japan because the bike has to be completely covered with a bag, but if you have this one, there is no problem. It just takes about 5 minutes.

These fit 700c, 26inch and 29inch bikes.

Why don’t you expand your range of activities with the new Bike Carry Bag?