Every time, we are excited to see the behind scene of bike culture.
This time, we visit one of the finest Japanese brand “MKS PEDAL” their pedal factory.
They usually don’t open public for factory visit. But this time we were so lucky to make that happen.
As you know, we started YOUTUBE while ago, and here is the brief factory tour movie.
I guess photo tells their stories and history and this field trip more than words.
We walked in the factory, and Mr. OGINO from MKS PEDAL explain for us how things work, process of making pedals, and their history with archives and processes.
after that, he showed us their 70 years archives. after listening great history and production secrets, we visit factory.
They use machinery to make pedals, but final inspection and some pedal building is using by hands and their sense of craftsmanship. I think this craftsmanship creates “JAPAN QUALITY” and they believe that their quality never fade away. we totally agree with that! we really appriciate their atitude and their craftsmanship. We love more MKS pedal! Thank you for having this oppotunity.