Hey, Mingo here.

Wait, who?, you may say. I’ll do a proper introduction soon, but not today. Today, I wanna write a short letter to CMWC 2023.


I’m 23, just a few months since joining Blue Lug, new almost nothing about messenger culture. The closest thing I’ve done is Uber Eats deliveries on my 1993 GT Zaskar during summer vacation whilst I was in uni. I enjoyed that, observing people on the streets, finding short cuts, and staying fit of course.

I was all alone though, in a good way. I had full control in how much I wanna ride my bike and how much I wanna get paid. The idea that there will be a community around people who ride bikes to deliver all kinds of goods never really crossed my mind.


Well, that was until last week.

Let me first say THANK YOU to all who were there, the organizing members, volunteers, messengers, non-messengers, catering staffs, shop staffs, and all who came to the venue. The energy, the joy, and the love towards this tight knitted yet inclusive community was immense. I was honestly so surprised how all of you soon included us into your community as if we knew each other for a long time.


Lots of chatting about bikes, culture, and life. Each messenger lives, rides, and build bikes in its own unique way, and all different ways are appreciated here. I don’t think such community is so easy to find and it’s just brilliant. (We were able to ask many lovely people for their bike checks by the way, hopefully we can share it soon!)


I can keep going on and on with how nice all of these people were. But I can tell you, it’s better knowing that through your own experience. If you are someone who read this blog and learnt a tiny bit about messenger culture, I highly recommend to join your local Cycle Messenger Championship next year. I’m sure they will greet you with open arms, and you’ll love it.


That’s it for today. Thanks for reading! Will write again soon.