10:44 a.m.


A view from the Sasazuka overpass.

Right under me is the Koshu-Kaido, the main road that the Hatagaya Mechanic Crew passes when commuting.

Oh, here’s Digital who just came back from France. He’s the first person to pass by today.

He’s been riding this Frances Bike a lot ever since he got it. The Swift Industry Peregrine Bag contains an obento from his wife and his valuables.

Next, we have Duncan the speed demon coming in hot! He’s so fast, I barely got him in frame.

Duncan commutes with the Swift Industry Paloma on his newly built All-City Cycles Super Professional.

Here’s Daichi.
Depending on how and where he parties the day before, he commutes from different locations.

It looks like he came from his own place today.

To me, his bag set up looks a bit awkward to use, but when I ask him, he replies “YES”.

His set up is the new Fairweather Road Bar Bag with a Dry Sack strapped with Voile Straps.

Last but not least…Kaneyan.


Look at him staring at his prey…

I respect him for riding many different bikes for commuting. But I feel like his most ridden bike is his Surly Steamroller

His style of commuting is carrying The Day Pack with his shirt soaked in sweat. I just remembered him saying “I always end up taking off the front rack!”

It was totally a random post, but I hope you enjoyed this quick one.

Stay hydrated, enjoy the summer.