Yesterday, bike tourists from Thailand visited our Hatagaya shop. They went to Hiroshima first, where is the south side of Japan, and rode bikes and took a train to come to Tokyo, which is their final destination.

They are originally from Canada, Scottland and America, and work in Thailand as a teacher now. During the spring break, they took a vacation and came to Japan for bike touring.

While they travel, they stopped Kyoto and bought the Fairweather stem bag in a bike shop there. The Doraemon water bottle is very nice.

She got the custom front rack in Thailand. She said it was just about $40. I know Thailand is budget but didn’t know you can actually get a custom front rack and touring bike parts there.

The Swift Industries Zeitgeist bag has nice patches. There is a Doraemon here too.


Great Totoro patches.

Wait! This is the handmade pizza reflector!

They also made their Onigiri reflector! The black seaweed part is made of bike tube! Awesome.
They went to our cafe, Lug for beer. This was their last day of this trip so they celebrate their trip there.

Please stop and say hi to us if you come to Japan and ride bikes here like them!
We are here to help you guys! Matane!