Once you walk around downtown in Tokyo, You will see so many tourists all over the world in these days.

Fortunately, lots of visitors from all over the world stop by our store, sometimes, they stop by middle of their bike touring, sometimes, they made up our store for goal of their bike touring.

Resent visitors are from, USA, AUSTRALIA, INDONESIA, SINGAPORE, FRANCE, UK, GERMANY… and more.

We/BLUELUG have 3 stores and cafe/bar in Tokyo.

(Hatagaya store, Kamiuma store, Yoyogi-park store, and Cafe/Bar is 5 minutes walk from Hatagaya store)

Hatagaya store is the headquarters. Located Hatagaya, Tokyo, two stops from Shinjuku Station (Do you know that? Shinjuku is the busiest train station in the world)

Recently, James from UK (he is bike mechanic in UK), visited BLUELUG Hatagaya store.

He stoped by the store middle of his bike touring.

He started ride from Wakkanai city (Northeast city in Japan) and planning to ended Kagoshima city. (southwest city in Japan)(not Okinawa Island included)

It’s about 3000km ride.

His bike and his bikepacking style/skills are inspiring us a lot.

He uses 32 VOILE straps for bike packing, VOILE straps are everywhere!! Using dead spaces effectively and tighten up by VOILE.

Also I amazed how he uses Rain Jacket as a bag, rear rack carrier bag.He travel more than 50 countries, and traveling by this bike is 32 countries (Genesis bike from UK). As you could see his frame bag patches.

Visitors from all over the world are always inspiring us. Their DIY sprits are remarkable.

If you planning to visit Japan, Please come by and say hello to us!!