New Bags from Fairweather
As we have received many requests, we finally opened the international website.
For this time, I will introduce our brand, Fairwether Bags for you.
At the very beginning, let me tell you about the new Fairweather Pannier bag. The pannier bag has fold-out straps built-in so that it also can be used as a backpack. For everyday bike, touring and bike camping, you can use this bag many kind of situations. 16 Oz canvas is good in touch feeling and durability. Lining fabric is laminated so it is strong weatherproof.
This new model is easier to take the shoulder straps of a backpack. The pannier hooks are also improved so you can install this on your bike quickly.
The Fairweather seat bag mini is back in stock. This small seat bag is perfect for commuting, bike camping and randonneuring. You can put basic tools and tubes in the bag, and it is available in 3 colors. This is very helpful when you need to bring something like “the last one item.”
In addition, 2 new bags just came out. The Frame bag half is one of them. The size is medium like between the Fairweather frame bag and the corner bag. This one is the perfect size for small CX bikes and MTB, and gives us an enough space to grab the toptube and water bottles too.
If you don’t have a hydration bag or stem bag, this is a smart choice for bike packing. With this bag, 2 water bottles can be put on the frame. The frame bag half is deeper than the Fairweather frame bag so you can put a 16cm cooker and U-lock in the bag.
Of course, this can be fitted on a big bike frame. I highly recommend this bag because the wide wearable range and you can still use the water bottle space effectively.
Another new item is the SAH harness (Seat And Handlebar harness). As its name suggests, this is 2 ways bag, a seat bag and handlebar bag.
Looks similar to the Fairweather handlebar bag, but this is totally different. This bag is made of 3 piece components, a harness, main rollbag and accessory bag. Those are all separated, so that you don’t need to take off all of them when you want to detach the accessory bag with small stuff, like a wallet and phones.
The main rollbag is film-laminated so it is strong weatherproof. The harness is 3 layers, tarpaulin, core material and slipless material, and it is very easy to install this on your handlebar.
If you want to put things like a big tent pole, install this bag on your saddle with saddle loop adaptors.
The accessory bag has a shoulder strap so you can wear this like a small sling bag. This is a great product for any situations, cities and mountains.
The best season goes with a lighting speed. Why don’t you prepare for your adventure with us?