What do you think when people say something will last a lifetime when purchasing something?

I always feel weird.

I feel like these types of words shouldn’t come out of shop clerk’s mouths that easily.

I understand that jewelry with universal value and industrial products that are guaranteed for a lifetime have stable value and durability, and are worthy of the term “lifetime,” but what I am still stuck on is that I feel that the actual “life” of acquiring and using something is more affected by emotions and personal circumstances than I would like to think, which may be why I do not agree with the wildness of the term. I feel that the actual “life” of acquiring and using something is more influenced by emotions and personal circumstances than we think, so I may not agree with the wildness of this word.

Then I asked myself,
“Is there a bike that would last a lifetime?”

As a bike salesman myself, I would like to say YES!, but unfortunately, I don’t think such a bicycle exist.

However, I did find some bikes that would possibly support my life as a cyclist in a long term,

A bike that you can repair and keep riding.

A bike that you can enjoy the aging or a bike that can change it’s form depending on the change of my emotions.

One of those bikes is the Surly Cross x Check, which unfortunately temporarily retired from the industry.

It might come back in the future like Oasis, but I feel a bit sad that the Cross Check would be around for a while in this era full of disc brake bikes.

Man, there aren’t any “normal” bikes around anymore…

This is my Cross Check.

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

*SURLY* cross check (50)

I went on a 40km ride with my co-workers the other day.

I’m already thinking of making a few changes to it and I’m always hyped to go riding because of this bike.

That being said, I am not a fan of the idea of not being able to get = value.

I can say this because we have the Straggler.

After riding the Cross Check, I thought disc brakes were also good. My Cross Check even has a disc brake on the front.

Based on its other universal details and versatility in assembly, I think it is safe to say that the Straggler is also a next-generation staple.

Unfortunately, the evolution of bicycles is becoming more excessive than required, so it may only be a matter of time before the Straggler becomes a classic.

So PLEASE! keep the Straggler around, since it’s the only option that is a closest to the Cross Check.

Throughout my carrier, I’ve seen the Cross Check so much that I was blind towards Surly’s charm, and I feel like I’m mad to myself for not noticing it sooner.

We gotta learn everyday!

Anyhow, thanks for reading!

