A bike bag you can attach to the stem and handlebars to create a practical cockpit.
The bags are great for storing water bottles, snacks, cameras and other small stuff you need for a bike tour or just getting around.
All you need to do is to use the three velcro straps for attatchment. There are multiple strap loops on the bag, so that users can move the straps to fit all kinds of bikes. Make sure to tighten the strap to make the bag nice and stable.
The drawcord enable the riders to open and close the bag with one hand while riding.
The outer and inner materials are separate pieces, making the bag uneasy to get soaked in the rain. Im addtion to the separate layered materials, the bag features a drain hole in the bottom, preventing rain drops to fill up the bag.
A convenient bag for road cycling, bike camping trips and for daily use.