
Ja En

instagram photo contest #mymks

🎉 🎉 優秀作品の発表 🎉 🎉


🎉 Here are the winners!! 🎉

Thank you so much for all of your participations!
Here are the results for the #mymks photo contest! Congrats to the winners!

The Grand Slam




The No.90 was were very popular pedals. Unfortunately, they were discontinued due to the aging of the production equipment. The No.90 is slowly disappearing as the years go by and we are very happy to see them on a beautiful mini velo bike. We will continue to produce quality pedals for all the great cyclists out there.

MKS 製造部門賞 MKS Manufacturer team award


It felt like we were watching our own child grow. As a craftsman, these kind of stuff makes my day. I hope you stick with those pedals for more miles.

MKS 開発部門賞 MKS Development department award


I could see a lot of passion towards bicycles from this post. There are a lot of legendary Japanese bike parts in the bike, and I was happy to see MKS pedals were a part of that build. Not only the bike is gorgeous, I could see the owner put a lot of his mind into having practicality in the build. That kind of life style out stands the pedals. Love it.

MKS The Unsung Hero award


Not a picture of a pedal, but this made us laugh.


ということで、幡ヶ谷店は都市伝説賞としてこちらを。今年は昨年発売から主役になりつつあるXC-3ペダルの投稿が多かったのが印象的ですね♩オリンピック開催されるか否かはさておいて、ペダルと共に地面も楽しんで頂いている気持ちが最高なこちらを選ばせて頂きました。おめでとうございます!![by チュウヤン]

Ah yes, the XC-III pedals were released in the same year that Tokyo Olympics was supposed to happen. Are there any kind conspiracy theory? No. Not really. For this year's contest, we could see that the XC-III are becoming quite common! We thought this was a nice post because it looked like the poster was enjoying the pedals and concrete of Tokyo. Congrats![by Chuyan]


♯番外編として、カネヤンいる幡ヶ谷店はこちらも今回は特別賞として増やさせて頂きました。そもそも、地面の方の意味わかります?「MKS」になっているの、以前地面の文字で「TOKYO」を作る企画があったんですが、まさかのこちらのオーナー様は勝手に主催。笑。ギリギリアウトな文字列な気もしますが、、、もうそのお気持ちが嬉しいしありがたい限りで、なにもせずにはいられなかったので選出です。[by チュウヤン]

Our mechanic Kaneyan from Hatagaya once made a design that spells out "TOKYO" with the road signs you can see in Tokyo. This guy did the same thing. It was very hard to tell whether it spells out "TOKYO", but we got it and were psyched about your creative mind.[by Chuyan]


MKSさんオフィシャルのカスタムではないので、ちょいとグレーなカスタムで自己責任になっちゃいますが、Rivendellが「GRIP KING」と呼ぶ理由、それを知るためのその探究心に拍手。
とはいえMKSさんお膝元での#myMKS、ピン打ちのグリップを求める皆さんは真似せずにガンマペダルを買いましょう。[by 谷ファン]

So this guy is a regular prizewinner for our photo contests. But we genuinely didn't realize that until we went to his profile page. Congratulations. You have once again caught our attention. The Lambda pedal spike custom is not an MKS official customization so it's all on you if something happens. However, the guys over at Rivendell calls this the "Grip King". We've tried it too and it does quite a great job at gripping. The Gamma pedals have the pins from the start so if you don't have access to any of the tools required, I suggest you to purchase the Gammas. That being said, we chose this post as a winner because he was familiar with the customization from Riv bikes.[by Tani]


車に轢かれもしたけれど、私はげんきです!に心を打たれました。お身体大丈夫でしょうか?心配です。なんかいい事もあったほうが絶対いいじゃん!との思いで、せめてものお気持ちですが、代々木公園賞です。インスタも拝見させてもらいましたが、雪景色の中を元気に走るストラグラー、なかなか東京にはない風景で羨ましいです。通勤とかもされてるのでしょうか?毎日がアドベンチャーですね!東京から交通安全をお祈りしております。[by 松本]

The caption reads "Got hit by a car but I'm okay!" We are very worried about you, and we wanted to brighten up your day with this prize from us. By looking at your IG page, we could see that you're riding around on a Surly Straggler in the beautiful snow land. We don't get to see that in Tokyo. Looks like everyday is an adventure! Ride safe.[by Matsu]


あれ何なんでしょうね。やたらひっかかりますよねペダルって。自分もよく家でミ◯ウラバイクタワーに掛けた自転車のペダルのイモネジで頬にかっこいい傷作ってました。なにせ廊下が狭くて苦笑。奥様の背のことも考えてどうかご配慮を〜ペダルの心配してる場合か〜笑。自転車以外にも楽しそうなご趣味をお持ちの様で。ご自身でDIYされた自転車の収納場所(建前)素敵ですね。子供の時分欲しかった秘密基地とはまさにこれ。隠れ家的っていうかただの隠れ家#barescapeいつかお邪魔してみたいものです、、ってわけでこちらの投稿をオンラインストア賞とさせて頂きます。[by サプライ]

What is with pedals? You get caught up into them real easily. I used to have a rad scar on my face caused by the pedal that's hanging on the wall of my place. Worry about your wife first before the pedal! Especially when she bumps her head into the spiky pedal! Other than the bike, it looks like you have a lot of other fun hobbies. Your DIY hideout looks amazing. This is kind of the hideout we wanted as a kid. Congrats on the prize![by Supply]


Thank you so much for all your participations!




国内外も老若男女も、自転車ペダルといったらMKSペタル。 ひいおじいちゃんも使ってた。

勘のいい人は気づいてますね。 本日は3月4日、三ヶ島の日!  (パチパチパチー拍手)

というわけで第4回 #mymks インスタグラムフォトコンテストを開催です!

ルールはかんたん。 Instagramにてお使いのMKS製品画像をアップしていただいて、ハッシュタグ #mymks をそえるだけ。
期間は 2021年3月14日(日)まで。 終了後に三ヶ島製作所さま方や僕らスタッフでいろんな賞を選出して、ありがとうの気持ちとともに記念の品を進呈したいと思います。 もちろんBLUE LUG HPやSNSでもご紹介させていただきます。 どうぞお気軽に、そしてふるってご参加ください。

"STILL IN JAPAN” 100%日本国内生産のこだわり

三ヶ島製作所のHP(に掲げられていた言葉です。 ぜひみんなで大先輩のものづくりを応援しよう!


MKS (Mikashima) Pedal Event!

MKS Pedals.(@mkspedal) The only 100% Japan made bike pedal manufacturer that exists.
They have now been producing bike pedals for 70 years.

Sushi, Tempura, Miso soup, MKS.
Tokyo Tower, Mt. Fuji, MKS.
They are one of our culture for sure.

Whether it's Japan or other countries, MKS pedals has aways been with us for decades. I remember my great grandpa even had MKS pedals.

Guess what day it is today? Yup! it is MKS(Mikashima) day!
The word for the number 3 sounds like “MI” and the number 4 is a similar sound of “SHI” in Japanese, therefore March 4th sounds kind of similar to "Mikashima".

And like always, we are having a Instagram Photo Contest!

The rule is simple. Post your favorite MKS product on Instagram and tag #mymks.

The contest will be held from March 4th to March 14th.
After the contest is over, the people over MKS and our staff members will prepare some prize and give them out to our winners as an appreciation gift.
And of course we would love to share the winner's posts on our website and our SNS.
We are looking forward to your participations!

We will end this with a quote from the MKS website.(

"STILL IN JAPAN. Commitment to 100% Japan Made" -MKS

The contest will be held from March 4th to March 14th.