
Ja En

NITTO 100th anniversary





Their products are strictly made in Japan.
All of their products are processed and finished by the top tier craftsmen.

Nitto has a massive trust from cyclists around the world, thanks to the strict safety tests, which every single product goes through.

February 11th 2023 was Nitto's 100th anniversary.
Grant Petersen the founder Rivendell, and a great friend of Nitto gave the most accurate description of Nitto in Rivendells's catalog back in the day.





Rivendell 2003年のカタログより

Nitto is a small, old handlebar-stem-seat post-rack-and bottle cage maker in Tokyo. and everything Nitto makes is the best of whatever it is. The designs are always spare and beautiful. Nitto's company slogan is "Light weight, heavy duty, finely made." and it is accurate. There are lighter seat posts, but Nitto's are light enough, and stronger. Nitto will not build anything to its customer's specs if it doesn't pass Nitto's own internal standards.

Nitto can bend metal in ways that other makers just plain can't Mr. Yoshikawa, who designs most of Nitto's products, has an eye for beauty that, in my experience, is unmatched. He takes our ideas and rough sketches, and turns them into stunnigly lovely shapes -- the Moustache Handlebar, the Noodle Bar -- and he test the heck out of them to make sure they're safe.

There aren't many companies like Nitto these days, and none other that I'm aware of making bike parts. It is a pleasure and an honor to offer them to you. Every loved bicycle deserves some kind of Nitto on it.

-- Grant

via Rivendell catalog 2003


1923 創業

1923 Establishment


Founded in Arakawa Ward Tokyo on Feb. 11th 1923.
The very first president of the company was Masae Yoshikawa. (Who is the grandmother of Akira Yoshikawa, the current president)
The name "Nitto"-日東 came from Masae's desire to always rise like the sun. The kanji character "日"= sun "東"=east


They became a handlebar manufacturer in 1925, which they renamed their company to "Nitto Handlebar Works".



The original factory burns down due to WWII.
They soon built a new factory in Yamanashi prefecture and started crafting farming tools.



Restarts crafting handlebars for bicycles.



Wins the Minister Award in the "Performance comparison examination of bicycles" held by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. (the current ministry of Economy) Nitto were the only people to receive the award in Japan.



New facilities were completed and installed in the Machiya factory, which was in operation since 1949.



The Fukushima factory was established and starts its operation.



The NJPRO, the Keirin stem was born, then supplied to Koichi Nakano, a Keirin racer who later won the world champion ship.


1980年になると「MOUNTAIN BIKE」という聞き慣れない言葉がNITTOの耳に入るようになる。

Nitto starts hearing an unfamiliar term "Mountain Bikes" around 1980.
Tom Ritchey and Gary Fisher visits Nitto in 1982, bringing dozens of pictures of the two and many friends having fun riding in the forrest and the mountains with their bicycles. Tom and Gary pitches the idea of Bullmoose bars to Nitto.
Tom Ritchey revisited Nitto shortly after and gave a welding lecture, directly to the workers.



The "S65" Seat Post was made to commemorate their 65th anniversary. This was the first non-handlebar product they have ever made.


During the same time period, they started manufacturing aluminum frames, along with racks and other bicycle accessories. They were producing products other than handlebars, so they renamed their company to NITTO Co.,Ltd in 1993.



Nitto was featured in Rivendell Bicycle Works Report.



Selected as one of the "300 domestic SME's who support the Japanese economy"
They were highly rated for having 100% of the market share for competitive cycling parts.



Yumi Kajihara, a cycling athlete who Nitto supports, becomes the first female athlete to win a medal in the Olympics.



Celebrated the 100th anniversary.

100年続くNITTOの秘密を聞くThe secrets to survive a century as a company


We invited Mr. Yoshikawa to have a talk show on February 11th 2023, which was the 100th anniversary of Nitto.


You can watch the talk show from the video below.


There were a few questions we couldn't ask Mr. Yoshikawa during the live show, so we asked him the day after and here are his answers.

商品を販売していく上で一番大事なことはなんですか? What is the most important thing when it comes to selling your products?
お客様に喜んでいただくことです。 To make our customers happy
日東の社員さんは自転車好きが入社するんですか?それとも入社して自転車が好きになるんですか? Do the employees who join the company, already like bikes, or do they get more into bikes after they join?
入社して自転車が好きになる人もいますし、最近は自転車が好きで入社する人が増えています。 I would say both, but we have more people who are already in love with bicycles who join in these days.
初代社長や先代社長の社内でのエピソード、何かあればお聞かせください Could you tell us some stories of the first president of Nitto or the other presidents of the past generations?
初代社長は、女性ですが商売の上手なおばあちゃんと言った感じで運転手付きの外車に乗って飛び回っていました。2代目社長は、まじめで正義感の強く駅前の自転車の駐輪が乱れていると何十台も直してから電車に乗るタイプでした。 The first president was a female. She was a granny who was excellent at doing business and would have her own driver to go everywhere with a foreign car. The second president was a very responsible person. A type of a person who would straighten up the messy parked bicycles in the bike parking near the train station first, and then take the train to work.
業界内に限らず、吉川社長が仕事のうえで影響を受けた方や尊敬している方などいらっしゃれば教えて頂きたいです。 Are there any people who you respect, or were heavily inspired as a working individual in or out of the industry?
株式会社シマノの2代目社長島野尚三様です。若くして社長になられ現在のシマノの礎を築いた人です。 Shimano Shozo, the second president of Shimano. He became the president in such a young age and built what kind of a company Shimano is today.
自転車に限らずだと思いますが流行の周期が10〜15年ほどのサイクルで回っているとよく耳にします。吉川社長がもしそういった流行のサイクルを自転車業界で感じたことがある、もしくは感じていることがあればお伺いしたいです。 It is said that the cycle of any trends are about 10 to 15 years. Have you ever felt that sort of "trend cycle" in the bicycle industry?
アメリカの自転車関係の人が良く言っていますが自転車部品は、3年周期で新車が出るファッションと同じでお客さんが新製品を喜ぶ。15年たつと乗っていた自転車の部品を交換し始めるが昔と同じ部品に交換したい人もいるし新しいものに変える人もいるので交換部品の市場がある。 The people in the bicycle industry in the U.S. would often say something like this which I agree; "When it comes to bicycle parts, there are new parts coming our in a 3 year span. Just like fashion, consumers get excited for these new products. After 15 years, people would want to swap the components. Some of them want the same exact thing and some of them want something new, so there is a market for replacement components ."
社長業をしていなければ何をしていましたか? If you weren't a president of a company, what do you think you would be doing?
釣り具の部品の開発設計。 Development design for fishing equipments.
これまでの人生やお仕事でこれはやっておけばよかったなど後悔していることはありますか? Can you think of something that you regret not doing?
たぶん無いと思います。新しい製品を作ることが好きで、それを仕事にしています。 I do not think so. I like creating new products and that is my job.
自転車に限らず、憧れていた完成車ブランドやパーツメーカーはありましたか? Are there any brands or manufacturers who you looked u to?
RIVENDELLのGrantさんとは、同じ方向に向かって製品が作れます。 Grant-san from Rivendell. Him and I share the same thoughts so we can look at things in the same direction.
多くのショップやビルダーとコラボしていますが、NITTOさんからコラボしたい人はいますか? You have worked with many people in the world, who would you like to collab with, next?
WILDEBIKESのJEFFさんです。 Jeff-san from Wilde Bikes.
吉川社長は何の自転車持ってますか?(何台?) How many bikes do you have? Could you also name them?
今は、BianchiのATB, NITTOアルミフレーム20”ツーリング、神田ALPSランドナーです。 At the moment, I have a Bianchi ATB, Nitto Aluminum Frame 20" Touring, Kanda Alps Randonneur.
吉川社長に質問です、もしいま自分のバイクを新たに組むとしたら、どのハンドルを使いますか?そしてどんなバイクにしますか? If you were to build a new bike right now, which handlebar would you pick? What kind of bike will it be?
RB-016(マスタッシュバー)のついたツーリングの自転車。 A touring bike with the RB-016 Mustache Bar.
吉川社長の、国内のおすすめしたい、もしくは思い出のあるツーリングスポットは? Do you have a touring route in Japan, that you recommend, or do you have any rides you really enjoyed?
福島県の檜原湖1周サイクリング。新聞社福島民報主催のサイクリング参加。福島工場と本社工場の合同サイクリングで、和気あいあいと楽しみました。 Riding around Lake Hibara in Fukushima, attending the cycling event that the Fukushima news hosts and the rides we have with the members of Nitto Fukushima Factory and the members of the Nitto HQ. We all had a lot of fun.
吉川社長の、思い出深い逸品は? Which is the most memorable product to you?
ADB-Xです。アメリカのショーで初めて展示したら、まだ会社が出来て間もないSPECIALIZEDの社長が気に入り取引が始まった商品です。 The ADB-X. I brought it to a bike show in America. I remember the CEO of Specialized liking the product. This is when Specialized was still very new in the industry.
歴代最も売れた製品は何ですか? Which product sold the most?
数が1番売れたのは、POSTEM(鉄製のジュニアスポーツ用)。ドイツにたくさん売れました。安くて丈夫でメッキがさびない商品でした。アメリカに一番売れたのが、B902(クロモリブルームースバー)MTB用。 In terms of numbers, I would say the POSTEM (component for junior sports). They sold well in Germany. It was very reasonable, durable and the plating was hard to come off. The most successful product in America was the B902 (chromoly steel bullmoose bar) for MTBs.
自信があったのに全然売れなかった製品は何ですか? Are there any products that you thought would be successful but, didn't quite sell as much as you thought?
ステンレスのボトルケージを作ったときは、アルミと比べてかなり高価なので、月に2個程度しか売れなかった。RIVENDELLがカタログに載せて本気で売ってくれた。今は売れるようになりましたが、作って1年間は全く売れなかった。 The Stainless Bottle Cages. They are very expensive compared to the aluminum cages, so we only sold about two in a month.I remember Rivendell featuring the product in one of their catalogs and selling a lot of them. They do great nowadays, but they were very unsuccessful for the first year.
1番コスパの悪い製品はなんですか? Which product are expensive to make?
NJPRO鉄とFilletの溶接をした商品です。 NJPRO and Fillet Brazed products.
自転車で1番きゅんとする(心がわくわくする)パーツは何ですか? Which bicycle component makes you excited the most?
GBなどヨーロッパの古いハンドルステム。 Old European stems such as GB.
自転車に乗って行きたいところはありますか? Where would you like to go by bike?
奥入瀬サイクリング Okuirise cycling.
日東さんのカタログを好きでよく見ますが、表紙の線と丸?のデザインが昔から変わらないものが採用されていて格好良いと思っていました。デザインの由来等はありますか? I love your catalogs and I look at them very often. I noticed that the design of the cover hasn't changed the whole time, which is very cool. Where does the design come from?
2代目社長の奥さんで、営業部長だった吉川凱江がデザインをしました。美大を出て工業系の高校の先生をしていたこともありました。 The wife of the second president/sales manager, designed it. She graduated an art school and had experience in teaching in a technical high school.


from Honjo

from Crust bikes

from MKS

from Rivendell Bicycle Works

Dear Nitto
Congratulations on the 100th anniversary.
I would like to express my admiration and respect for the diligent daily efforts of the past presidents of your company, Mr. Yoshikawa, and all of your current employees.

このたびは、創業100周年 誠におめでとうございます。

株式会社本所工研 代表取締役

Tomoyuki Shimamura
Honjo Koken President

In 2019 I had the great pleasure of visiting Japan. Aside from meeting new friends at Blue Lug, I had what was one of the highlights of my life in bicycles and I was fortunate enough to meet Mr.Yoshikawa and visit the Nitto factory.
As any bike nerd knows Nitto makes the best racks and stems on the planet, so getting to see the Nitto factory and meet the people there was an unbelievable experience for me. I love working with Nitto and using their great parts and look forward to doing it for many years to come.


Matt Whitehead


Congratulations on the 100th anniversary.
I have always exhibited with Mr. Nitto at overseas exhibitions. Our first overseas exhibition was the Milano Show in Italy in 1979, but at that time the show was held in Milan, Italy, and Cologne, West Germany, back and forth, so we exhibited as a group. I am still impressed by the activities of Mrs. Yoshie Yoshikawa, the sales manager, and think she was an amazing woman.
Japanese component manufacturers still had a hard time obtaining information on overseas products, so before the show started, we rushed around the venue and took pictures. (Of course, the camera we used was the ASA100 film and whenever the camera would flash, the security guards would come flying at us, so we had to run away…)
This was around the time when Suntour's Superbe and Shimano's Dura-Ace were popular, I think? Both Milan and Cologne had huge warehouse-like venues and were very crowded (perhaps because they were combined with motorcycle shows and there were less entertainment there back then?) . There were only one or two Japanese restaurants in both Cologne and Milan, so I remember having a hard time. Mr. Yoshikawa and I always ate Eisbein, which is a specialty in Germany. (We could only have bread and sausages for lunch at the venue).
I was the youngest person in the team at the time, and everyone took care of me a lot. When Mr. Seitaro Yoshikawa joined us, I thought they were a very nice couple, and the conversation with his wife was heartwarming. The group of 6 Tokyo Companies, Nitto, Fujita Saddle, Tokyo Mark, Karasawa, Akashi are very close and are friends. Mr. Akira and I would always cheer eachother up to keep on going.

株式会社 三ヶ島製作所 取締役社長

Toshiyuki Ogino
MKS President


100th anniversary. Congratulations indeed.
Many things have happened up to this day. I remember that around 1955, I thought that people in the bicycle industry had to take the lead in riding, so I ordered an Alps bicycle, and a group of us rode along the bank of Lake Sayama in the most fashionable gear I had. I think this was the start of Palace Cycle?
I would like to thank Mr. Seitaro and his wife for all their hard work. President Seitaro's upbringing, his naivety, his passion for bicycles, raising awareness of the industry as a whole, his passion for the delisious foreign food, his passion for sake and for his contributions to the Rotary Club, and for the many other things he did.
I am sure that the current president, Mr. Akira, will continue to develop the company further under his leadership.

株式会社 三ヶ島製作所 取締役会長

Koichiro Ogino
MKS Chairman of the Board

Happy 100 years Nitto! Thanks for helping make every bike build a treat. I love opening a new Nitto product knowing all of the work and care that went into making it. Cheers to another century of making the best handlebars around!


James Chan

To the finest bicycle component maker of the last one hundred years, I wish you a big congratulations and the best looking to the future. As they say in Italy, "Cent'anni!"
To Nitto --100 more!
To another century of making excellent bicycle parts!

過去100年の中で最も優れた自転車部品メーカーに、心からの祝福と未来への希望を捧げます。イタリアでは "Cent'anni!"と言います。

Antonio Villegas

Long Live Nitto!


Spencer Chan

Congratulations on 100 years of safe, beautiful and strong stuff! Yours are the only handlebars I truly trust, and no one else has ever made a rack that looks as good as a Nitto. I'm always excited to buy a Nitto item.


Will Keating

Congratulations, Nitto! You have been a strong part of my life as a cyclist and I admire your business. I'm very proud to sell your products. Here's to another 100 years!

おめでとう、Nitto! ニットーは自分のサイクリストとしての人生において重要な役割を担っていてとても尊敬しています。ニットー製品を販売できることをとても誇りに思います。これからもさらに100年続くことを祈っています。

Vince Nivolo

We owe NITTO and Mr. Yoshikawa our existence! Mr. Yoshikawa helped me so much at Bridgestone, and when Bridgestone closed its U.S. office, I asked if I could sell NITTO products in a new business, which I hadn't even begun. When he told me YES, it made me feel important and trusted and legitimate, and it gave me confidence to go ahead--knowing that such a respected man and business was behind me.
NITTO's quality standards have always been the highest in the bicycle industry. Every handlebar, seat post, stem, rack, bottle cage, or other accessory is strong and jewel-like, and we are so proud to sell them. NITTO doesn't compromise, and continues to inspire Rivendell to be better, but we'll never be as good as NITTO.


Grant Petersen

#nitto100th / #mynittoINSTAGRAM PHOTO CONTEST




February 10th is Nitto day.
The annual #mynitto instagram photo contest was fun as always.

Thank you all for your lovely posts!

Here are the 20 winners of this year's contest.


Nitto Award

The technology of companies for 100 years is the pride of Japan.


The 34F and the 139 basket is a very good combination. Highly recommend.

Nitto 社長賞

Nitto President Award

#mynitto #nitto100th ㊗️100周年
#rivbike #surlybikes #crustbikes #konabikes #dogbike #麿号 #maroride


It's great to know that our racks can carry a puppy. I am very happy with your picture.

株式会社日東 社長 吉川章 Akira Yoshikawa
Nitto President

Nitto 常務賞

Nitto Managing Director Award

#mynitto #nitto100th #bluelug


Thank you so much for using many of our products. You described us as "The Unsung Hero", which made me happy. I hope you can use all the Nitto products until they are dust.

株式会社日東 常務 吉川隆久 Takahisa Yoshikawa
Nitto Managing Director


Hatagaya Award

#mynitto #nitto100th #ritcheylogic

RITCHEYのROAD LOGICにUI-25(実は廃盤)の素敵な組み合わせ。

Love the Ritchey Road Logic and the UI-25 combo. (The UI-25 stem is discontinued btw)
You said it was a dream of yours to use Nitto stuff on a Ritchey frame and I couldn't agree more, especially after hearing Mr.Yoshikawa's incredible stories!
Ever since Mr. Yoshikawa shared his stories of him and Tom Ritchey, I became a bigger fan of the two.
Hats off to Nitto's will to challenge new things all the time. I am very proud of Nitto, who had worked with legendary bicycle manufacturers from around the world.
This post stood out to me as a fellow Ritchey rider. Congrats!

デジタル Digital


Kamiuma Award

#nitto #nitto65 #nitto65stem #ニットー #日東 #mynitto


The S65 seat post is a very familiar parts of us. It's one of the parts we've used throughout the years. There was also a stem with the same name they released. This post brought back memories of trying so find it everywhere, so I chose this post.It's probably not happening but I am wishing that the S65 stem makes a comeback someday.

一周 Issue


Yoyogi Park Award



The Street Legend! I believe those are the B260aaf riser bars that Nitto made for T19! I remember them coming out around 2007 ish.
I think you're a pretty young dude and I was stoked for such a young guy post a picture of these legendary bars. I also didn't grow up in the generation when these bars were released, but I remember searching for them for my bike so I chose this post!

トミー Tommy


Kagoshima Award

NITTO SP-72。長く使ってるパーツなのでキズだらけだけど、これからも使えるようにグリスアップ。創業100周年とお聞きしたので、背筋を伸ばしながら。
#nitto100th #mynitto


I used the SP-72 seat post when I was bike messengering. It's a very memorable seat post for me.
You can change the angle of the post with 2 bolts. The slight set back was really comfy for me and the finish was just beautiful. I used to have an SP-72, Pearl Stem and B123 set up. I had to have an all Nitto set up from back then.
I love the beautiful comment you left to Nitto and I loved how all the parts were worn out, It shows that you really love and cherish these components.



Online Store Award


こちらはFW品番のMT-31ステムとBL別注のB861ハンドルの組み合わせで間違いありませんかね。ミニマルなコックピットを追求し出すと必然的に(?)このセッティングに行き着きます。自分もその節あるので強く共感。通です。過去の投稿で(交換直後?) #ハンドル周りスッキリ とタグ付けされてますが正にその表現がしっくり。ちなみにこのステム。サイドクランプで手前に出っ張りが無い分スイフトのmoxie等トップチューブバッグと相性抜群。

Is that a MT-31 stem and the B861 set up I see? If you're looking for a simple cockpit, you are likely to end up with those parts. I have the same taste as you and I can relate to you a lot. Fan fact, the MT-31 stem doesn't have the little bumps on the rear end of the stem since they are side clamp stems, so they're great to use with top tube bags like the Swift Industry Moxie Bag.

サプライ Supply


Global Online Store Award

This is my story about @nitto_handlebar_works .
I used a nitto bar for my first fixed gear,and it was also my first nitto handlebar. I took him with me to race, of course, fell together ,lol😂
After that,i found a beutiful 90s mtb frame from FATCHANCE!So I wanted to make it more suitable for me.I tried a lot and bought a lot of test handlebars under very strange specifications, and finally I was lucky to get hi hi bar!this long modification also made the bike one step closer to perfection!
At last!㊗️Congratulations to nitto 100 years! Your legend will not stop!
#mynitto #nitto100th

Fixed bikeと出会いの中でNitto製品とも出会い、出場したレースで落車をしながらNittoハンドルと共に走った思い出や、その後自分にピッタリなFat Chanceのフレームと出会い、様々なメーカーさんのハンドルを試し、最終的に着地したハンドルはHi-Hi Barだったというエピソードがアツかった。海を超えてもNitto製品の思い出がたくさんあって、Nittoさんは本当に世界中から愛され、世界中のサイクリストを幸せにする素晴らしいメーカーさんなんだと感じました。Nittoさんの製品を日々海外に送り出している身として、自分のことのように嬉しかったし、今後もmade in Japanの素晴らしい製品を海外に送り出す一人として頑張りたい!!とモチベーションがぶち上がったので選ばせていただきました。tessbookさん、Thank you!!

I loved reading your story of how you got into fixed gear bikes and discovered about Nitto during the time and the story of finding a Fat Chance frame and searching for multiple handlebars for it and ended up with the Hi-Hi Bars!
I think it's a perfect handlebar for the frame. I am stoked that we can provide Nitto's wonderful products through our international website. These types of Nitto related story telling from around the world makes my day! Thank you @tessbook for sharing your post!

カーネル Shin

Blue Lug賞

Hatagaya Award

Nittoさん【 @nitto_handlebar_works 】


#mynitto #nitto100th
#いぬ #ポメ #ポメラニアン
#pomeranian #ilovemydog
#veloorange #Bluelug

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

NITTO 100周年の冊子が欲しくて

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

She loves the NITTO B352 albatross bar!!
#Her grandmother's last name is Nitto

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

⁡ これは遊べるぞーー
#🚲 #🎣 #🏕 #mynitto #nitto100th #MTB #MTB #26inchlifestyle #camp #bridestone #wr2500 #oldmtb #steelbike #bicycle #chromoly #mountain #gravel #campee #swiftindustries #nagano #tatsuno #japan #photography #bicyclepho #jika #マウンテンバイク #長野 #辰野 #カタパニア #ザど真ん中シャッターズ

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

NITTO 100周年おめでとうございます!
#mynitto #nitto100th

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

ほとんど見えないけど、NITTO さんお世話になっています!
#mynitto #nitto100th#rivbike #rivendellbicycleworks #rivendellrambouillet #bluelug

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

#mynitto #nitto100th


実はこれ、ブルーラグ代々木公園店のトイレに飾られてあったやつを "売ってください!" ってお願いして、譲り受けたもの

今ではホッジ店内、SCOTT MTB DHバーの隣に鎮座しております


詳しくは @bluelug さんの投稿をご確認ください

⁡⁡#enjoyyourself #千早赤阪村 #ホッジポッジ #古民家自転車店 #chaoticbikeshop #hodgepodge #hodgexpodge #nittohandlebars

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award



Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

#mynitto #nitto100th

Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award




Blue Lug賞

Blue Lug Award

#mynitto #nitto100th

