
Ja En


Tanglefootのフレームをはじめとして、Discord ComponentsFifth Seasonからはバイクバッグなどオリジナルブランドを展開する、アメリカの東側バーモント州ポルトニーのバイクショップAnalog Cycles。
Blue Lugの商品を扱ってくれたことがきっかけで関係が始まり、Blue LugでもAnalogのバイクやパーツ、バッグを扱うことに。


Analog Cycles is a bike shop located in Poultney, Vermont USA. They have they're own brands such as, Tanglefoot, the bicycle frame brand, Discord Components, a bicycle component brand and Fifth Season, a bicycle bag/accessory brand.Our friendship began with them when they started to carry Blue Lug stuff. Now, we carry their stuff here as well. You could probably agree that the bikes they make are very unique. And you can tell that they put a lot of thought into the stuff they create. We wanted to learn more about them, so we asked some questions to James and Candice, the owners of Analog Cycles.Their shared a lot of interesting stories and pieces of information, so we made this special interview page for you to read as well.

- 最近ポルトニーの外れからダウンタウンポルトニーに移転したみたいだね。おめでとう。
SNSとかを見る限り、今のお店は以前のお店の倍くらいの広さに見えるけど、ver. 2.0になったAnalog Cycleからはどんなことが期待できる?

James : Analogは元々29平米くらいのシュガーシャック(メープルシロップ製造小屋)から始まったんだ。

キャンプコーナーもあって、そこにはSnow Peak、Topo Designs、UCO、Kulpikaなどの商品が並んでいるよ。その他にも石鹸、鉛筆、ペンとかも揃えてるよ。僕たちはこういうものが大好きだからね!


要するに、Analog Ver. 2.0からは更なる商品のバリエーション、更なるカラーバリエーション、更なるおもしろグッズが期待できるってことかな。

-Congrats on your new store location.It looks like you have moved from the off-the-grid area of Poultney to downtown Poultney. It also looks like the store has gotten much bigger. What can we expect from Analog Cycles 2.0?

James : Analog started in a maple sugar shack that is 29 square meters.The new retail space is about 3 times larger, so we can feature more builds, frames and fun products.We now have a camping section, with goods from Snow Peak, Topo Designs, UCO, Kulpika and other rad brands. We also stock more odds and ends like soap, stationary, pencils and pens, just because we like them! I (James) have been a record collector since I was a kid, so we brought my record collection in and set up my old stereo. There’s 500 or so records to throw on, something for every mood.I think people like to see the record player, and know that the music isn’t coming from a phone. Many folks under 25 have no idea what the record player is, and kids don’t understand it at all, which is both fascinating and a bit scary.

But the biggest changes at the shop lie within the basement. The basement of our building used to be a newspaper printing shop. We still have old drawers of type for the presses. The space is huge, and we have a photography studio for parts and bikes, lots of storage, a shipping area, 2 wheel building stations, and 2 work benches. We can work on up to 20 custom bikes at a time.The large storage area means we can explore and stock cool parts that we would not otherwise have room for, like lots of nice rims, cranks, and drivetrain parts. That means custom builds go faster, because we don’t have to order a ton of stuff in, we just have it in stock.In general, Analog 2.0 means more variety, more colors, more fun stuff to explore when you walk through the door.There’s also heat, and decent lighting, and a bathroom, all of which we did not have in the woods.

- お客さんの層に変化はあった?


-Any changes in the visitors?

Being downtown, we have more walk-in visitors, and a lot more service which is nice.They are excited to see a new shop in town. We’re the first new retail business to open in town in about 10 years. Poultney only has 3000 residents, and most of those live in the country around the town, not right in town. So change happens slowly here.

- 森の奥から街に引っ越してきた今、以前の暮らしで恋しいものはある?

単純に静けさが恋しいのと、ライドの後お店のすぐ隣でやっていた焚き火が恋しいかな。 あの小屋はまだあるし、そこで焚き火もたまにやっているから、まあ別に悪くはないね。今はレンっていう短期バイトの子が小屋にステイしていて、あの小屋を有効活用できていて嬉しい。

- Are there anything you miss living in the outskirts?

We really liked the sugar house. It was small and intimate. You had to know there was a bike shop in the woods to stop in, which meant that every customer was there for a reason. We miss the quiet, and having a fire ring right outside for hanging out after rides. But the sugar house is still there, and we still have fires, so it’s not all bad. Wren, a short term employee, lives in the sugar house for now, so we’re happy it’s being utilized.

- 以前、やり取りの中で日本のバンド”ボリス”のレコードをお店でかけまくってるって言っていたね。未だにヘビロテ中?何か他に日本のレコードはゲットした?

日本の箏曲もすごく好きなんだけど、アメリカでは箏曲のレコードは見たことないな。衛藤公雄(えとう きみお)の曲は最高だね。彼の曲はメタルロックのようにドラマチックで、それをたった一つの楽器で弾いているだなんてすごいよね。パワフルで感動的だよ。

- You mentioned that you like listening to “Boris” the Japanese rock band at the shop, is the vinyl still on repeat, or have you gotten any new Japanese vinyls lately?

Oh, I can’t afford too much new vinyl, but Candice recently did buy me "NO", which is a pretty recent Boris record that’s really heavy. It’s probably a bit much for most customers, but I can usually guess what sort of music someone will be ok with, so I occasionally get to put it on the turntable! I’m also really into Japanese Koto music, but I’ve never seen any of it on vinyl over in the states. Kimio Eto is amazing, and the music is as dramatic as any metal, with just one acoustic instrument. Very moving and powerful.

- バーモント州を訪れるならどの時期が最適?


- When do you think is the best time to visit Vermont?

June through October is probably the best time to visit if you don’t want snow. The highs are around 27 degrees C, and the lows around 5-10 C. Good weather for riding and swimming and sleeping outside. The best fat biking weather is when it’s really cold, in February.  Highs will be -12 C, and lows at night are around -28 C. That makes for good groomed trails, and hard packed snow mobile trails as well. Probably not the best camping, but we’ve ridden our fat bikes out onto the frozen lake on -17 C nights and camped on the ice.
It’s doable, if you have a warm sleeping bag!

- お店の近くに良いビールスポットはある?

2軒くらい良い店があるよ。 道路を挟んだ向かい側に“タップス"っていうタバーン(アメリカンスタイルの居酒屋)があって、そこではめちゃくちゃ美味しいバーモントビールをタップから注いでくれるし、地元の食材で作る料理も最高だよ。タップスのオーナーさんは、Analogで組んだバイクに乗ってるよ!

- Any good beer spots near the shop?

There are two good spots to grab a beer. Right across the street is our favorite tavern, called “Taps”. They keep many good Vermont beers on tap, and have great locally sourced food. The owner of Taps rides an Analog build bike!We also like to go to the “East Poultney General Store”, where they stock lots of hard to find Vermont beers.  We’ll grab a four pack and pedal to the river and go for a swim. Our favorite thing is to throw beer into the cold river, then jump off the big rock after it. It is a great way to spend a summer evening.

- あなた達は自転車に携わって長いと思うし、これまで乗ってきた自転車は数えきれないだろうけど、中でも記憶に残るバイクはある?過去に持っていたけど、泣く泣く手放したバイクはある?また、あなた達を自転車にハマらせるきっかけになったバイクとかあったら聞きたい。

Candice : Moonshinerが一番好きって言ったらダメかしら?Moonshinerを手に入れる前にもたくさん自転車を持っていたけど、どれも何かしらの欠点があったの。Moonshinerはそれらの全てを補ってくれたバイクなの。

オールドバイクだったら、Fat Chance、Vicious Cyclesあたりが好き。(Vicious Cycles は真っピンクのMonolithを持ってる)彼らのクレイジーなペイントと東海岸特化のMTBを作っていた志向性とかそういうところが彼らのバイクがスペシャルにさせたし、 共感できるから好きなの。

大学生の時に学校のMTBを借りてマウンテンバイキングをし始めたのがきっかけで自転車を好きになったのかな。その当時はサイズが大きすぎるオールドFujiで通勤していたわ。その数年後、当時メリーランドのGravel and Grindというバイクショップで働いていたジェームズが、BridgestoneのXO-1と MB-1をプレゼントしてくれたの。それが私にとって、初めての”ちゃんとした"バイクだったわ。このバイク達のおかげで、バイクパッキング、バイクキャンピング、ATBライディングにハマりだして現在に至るわ!

James : 初めてのカスタムバイクを組んだのは18歳の時かな。傷だらけでボッコボコのSurly 1x1。まだ持ってるよ。あのバイクは超好きだった。Kinesis Maxlight fork が入ってて、S&M C4 barのついた26”クルーザーっぽい組み方してたな。 思い返してみれば、短いフォークのせいでヘッドチューブアングルがキツくなっちゃって、ひっどいハンドリングだったけど、僕はあのバイクがきっかけでスチールバイクに目覚めたんだ。

それから、固定ギアにコンバートしたWitcomb USAのロードバイクも持っている。Witcombに、Richard Sachs、Chris Chanceや、Peter Weigleがいた頃の70年代に作られたものだね。ペイントは最悪だけど、フレームはとても美しい作りだし、乗り心地も最高だよ。このバイクのおかげでロードバイクが好きになったかな。
私物の自転車はそんなにいっぱい手放したことはないけれど、僕のファーストMTBだったSpecialized Hardrockは売らなきゃよかったって後悔しているよ。スチールフレーム、フォークで、グレーにブラックサイドウォールのタイヤがついたグレーのフレームだった。最高にかっこよかったからどこにでも乗って行ったのを覚えてる。多分14歳の時に乗っていたバイクかな。


- You guys have been in the bike industry for quite some time and we’re pretty sure that you have seen and owned dozens of bikes. Which of the bike you own stand out the most? Are there any bikes you really loved but had to let go? Is there a specific bike from a certain era that sparked up your passion to bicycles? We’d love to hear your riding history.

Candice : Is it bad to say the Moonshiner stands out the most? I owned a bunch of bikes before the Moonshiner, but they all had drawbacks that the Moonshiner addresses: toe overlap, big tires, relaxed headtube angle, 1x specific gearing, thru axels. The other bikes leading up to the Moonshiner were stepping stones, I think. The Moonshiner is all the good of the previous bikes, rolled into one.

I’ve never had to let a bike go that I cared about. I’ve built a bunch of bikes, but naming no names, haven’t been too sad to see them go. For older bikes, I’m super into Fat Chance, Vicious Cycles (I have a 26’ Monolith in a PeptoBismol Pink), their crazy paint schemes, and the intentionality of making an East Coast specific mountain bike. All of that stuff makes those bikes special and relevant for me. I came into riding later than most folks in the bike industry. I started mountain biking in college, renting it from the school. I also commuted on an old Fuji which was a few sizes too big. A few years later, my first real bikes were an XO-1 and MB-1 gifted to me by James when he owned a shop in Maryland called Gravel and Grind. That’s where I got into bike packing, bike camping, ATB riding. The rest is history!

James :I built my first custom bike when I was 18. I still have it, an old Surly 1x1 covered in scratches and dents. I loved that bike. It was built up like a 26” cruiser, with a Kinesis Maxlight fork and S&M C4 bars. In retrospect, it handled horribly, because the short fork steepened the head tube angle. That was the bike that really made me come to love steel bikes. I used to do everything on that bike, from commuting through downtown Baltimore, to riding ‘street’, doing stair jumps and riding off concrete ledges, to racing 24 hour races.

I also have an old Witcomb USA which I’ve converted to a road fixed gear. It was made in the 70’s, when Richard Sachs, Chris Chance and Peter Weigle worked at Witcomb. It’s beautifully made, even if the paint job is terrible, and it rides fantastically. That bike was the first bike I’d ridden that made me love road bikes. I’ve only sold a few bikes, but I wish I had not sold my first mountain bike. It was a Specialized Hardrock, steel frame and fork, with a grey paint job and grey tires with black sidewalls. I thought it looked amazing, and I rode it everywhere. I was probably 14 when I got that bike.

My favorite bikes to look at are 90’s and 80’s mountain bikes. In terms of technical innovations, though, the time period between 1900 and 1925 is my favorite. Lots of really cool stuff happened then, and many of the ideas are being repeated today. People think they’re riding something new, but really, it’s an idea that’s 100 years old or older! Leaf spring suspension forks are a good example, as are oval chainrings, 1x drivetrains, dirt drops, all road bikes… the list goes on.

- Tanglefootのどのバイクもハードな路面でも安心して攻めることの出来る良いバイク達ばかりだなと感じるけど、それと同時に大衆的なバイクと比較して非常にユニークな見た目であると感じる。BBハイトの高さとか、使われるステムが短いのは特徴的だよね。それについてはどう思ってる?

James : 僕は自転車をデザインする上で、既にマーケットに出ているものを元にデザインをしたりしない。地形や、バイクフィット、そして過去100年間に悪路を走るために作られてきたバイクにフォーカスをしている。





- When we look at Tanglefoot bikes, we noticed that all of the bikes have a long front-center and the BB height is quite high. The bikes look super comfy to ride though rough trails due to the shorter stems. We feel like all the bikes you guys make, look very unique compared to the bikes in the mass market. What can you say about that?

James :I wanted to design bikes not by looking at other bikes currently on the market, but by looking at terrain, bike fit, and bikes that were designed to ride on rough roads over the last 100 years. Before I designed bikes, I was a bike fitter for years. I was lucky enough to work in a shop where bike fitting was a big focus. I could watch, time after time, what seat tube angle was the most efficient, what bar position was the best blend of comfort and efficiency. People think these bikes are just weird for the sake of being weird, but everything is done with intention.

For a century, every bike that has won a major long distance race has had a 73 degree or 74 degree seat tube angle, with a set back seatpost. Earlier bikes had slacker seat tube angles, but this was countered by a forward offset seatpost. The effective seat tube angle was 73 with a 25mm setback seatpost. If you are not using a set back post, the seat tube angle has to be 71 degrees to get to the same saddle position. Almost all dropper posts and many rigid posts have no set back. Hence the 71 degree seat tube angle. It’s won more races than any other saddle position.

Every size of every Tanglefoot within each model has the same fit, geometry and handling. That’s because they all have the same seat tube and head tube angles, fork offset, bottom bracket drop. Most drop bar bikes have weird geometries on the smaller sizes. Bike makers design the medium, and everyone else gets a bad fitting bike. I wanted to give riders under 1.7 meters the same fit and experience as a taller rider. The super short stem helps with that. So does the head tube angle. There’s no toe overlap on any size Tanglefoot.

People mistakenly think high bottom brackets make bikes less stable. I remember reading in a Rivendell Reader that Grant borrowed a friends’ high bottom bracket ‘cross bike for a week or two. He rode it, said it felt funny at first, and then got used to it. When he got back on his Rivendell after the test period, he thought it felt unstable and wrong. He said something like ‘I know the Rivendell rides better’ but the high bottom bracket experience made him question that. I don’t question it. More stability is what you want in an off road bike, and more ground clearance. If you can get both at once, the bike is better for it!

- ムーンシャイナーとハードタックフレームがBLUE LUGにも到着したよ。どちらのモデルもヘッドバッチが鳥のモチーフだと思うんだけど、これには何かバックグラウンドがあるの?

James : ヘッドバッチの鳥は、ハーミット・スラッシュ (チャイロコツグミ)だよ。ここバーモントの州鳥さ。 小さくて、おなかが斑点模様で、歌声がとても綺麗なやつらだよ。僕たちのバイクは、ここバーモント州でデザインされているということ知ってほしいんだ。多くの自転車ブランドは生まれの土地を隠している気がするんだ。

- The Moonshiner and the Hardtack framesets are now here at Blue Lug. We realized that both of the frames have head badges of some kind of a bird. Are there any back stories for this design?

James :The bird on the headbadge is a Hermit Thrush. It’s the state bird of Vermont. The Hermit Thrush is a small bird with a speckled belly and a beautiful song. We want to acknowledge where these bikes are designed. Many bikes seem to not have a place of origin. Our bikes were built for riding in Vermont. You can ride them anywhere, but they’re designed for our steep hills, big rocks, tight switchbacks and mud. On the back of the Hardtack’s seat tube, we put the Vermont state motto: Freedom and Unity. It’s another nod to the state where we live and ride.

- Moonshinerのカスタムフォーククラウンの見た目がすごくかっこいいと思った。Moonshinerをスペシャルなバイクに魅せている大きな特徴の一つだと思うんだけど、あのデザインはどういった経緯でできたものなの?

James : 僕たちはMoonshinerを作るにあたって、ソケットを強化せずに頑丈なフォークを作るのに苦戦していたんだ。そこで、Swift Design Worksのイアン(Ignite crankのデザイナー兼メーカー)に、Steve Potts ForkのType IIとFat Chance 5 Piece Forkが合体したようなフォークを作ってもらうようお願いしたんだよ。したがってフォークの名前は "II FAT “ (Too Fat = 太すぎ)になったんだ。

- We love how the Maple Tree Tap Fork Leg Sockets, the custom lug for the fork crown on the Moonshiner looks. We felt like that it was one of the big features that makes the Moonshiner look so special. Could you tell us how that lug was designed?

James :The Moonshiner fork crown came about because we could not figure out how to make a really stiff fork without reenforcing sockets. I asked Ian at Swift Design Works (he makes and designs the Ignite cranks) to do a fork crown that would be a combination of a Type II Steve Potts fork and a Fat Chance 5 piece fork. Hence the name “II Fat” on the fork. He loves Vermont, and suggested the maple tap. The fork crown is heavy, but makes the bike track very very well even in rough terrain with a load.


Analog Cycles(@analogcycles)がシェアした投稿

- インスタを見ている限りだと、カラーアルマイトパーツが好きなように見えるね。たまに、見たことのない色のPAULパーツなどを投稿していると思うんだけど、あれは自分達でやっているの?以前Nittoの吉川さんから狙った色を出すのはかなり難しいというお話を聞いたことがあったから気になった。

James : 本当は全部自分達でやりたいんだけど、全部他でやってもらっているよ。

僕たちは5年前くらいから色んなものをセラコート加工して遊んでたけど、ここ最近他のカンパニーも同じようなことをやり出したみたいだね。 僕たちは、常にみんなの前を走っていたい人たちだから、さっき言ったセラコートが上手なスタッフは僕たちに大きく貢献してくれそうだ!

- When we scroll though your IG page, we can instantly tell that you guys are a fan of colored components. We sometimes can see Paul components in a color we’ve never seen before. Are you guys doing that by yourselves? We’re curious because we once heard from the head of Nitto, that it is extremely difficult to color bike components in a color you aimed for with the anodizing process.

James : I wish we did our own anodizing but we send it all out. We just ask the anodizers if the color we are after is doable. We usually send a picture of an old part we like, and ask them to get close to that. Browns, greens, pinks, oranges are harder than the other colors, as they change color with different types of aluminum.

One day we’d like to have our own anodizing facility. In November, we’ll have a really talented cerakoter working for us, who can do things like fades and stencil work. I’m excited about that. Since we started cerakoting things about 5 years ago, other companies have ‘caught on’ and started to do the same thing. We always want to be ahead of the curve, so I think this new cerakote person will help!


Analog Cycles(@analogcycles)がシェアした投稿

- あなた達の写真はいつもオシャレでアーティスティックで見ていてとても楽しい。撮影しているのは誰?

James : 8割の写真はキャンディースが撮っているよ。残りの2割は、今シュガーハウスに住んでいて僕たちのお店を手伝ってくれているレンちゃんと、僕(ジェームズ)が撮った写真もたまにひっそりあげているよ。キャンディースは写真の才能がある。練習は一切したこと無いらしいんだけど、めちゃくちゃ上手なんだ。ナチュラルタレントだね。

- The pictures of your IG posts are always creative, artistic and fun to look at. Could you tell us who shoots the pictures?

James : Almost all of the pictures are shot by Candice. Sometimes Wren, the gal living in the sugar house, helps, and occasionally I (James) sneak one in. But Candice is a natural photographer. She’s never had any training, but is natrually talented.


Analog Cycles(@analogcycles)がシェアした投稿

- あと度々出てくる猫ちゃん達が可愛いすぎる!Analogには何匹の猫がいるの?名前は?彼らの好きな食べ物は?

James : 今は一匹しかいないかな。彼女の名前はモチ。彼女は伏せるとまん丸のお餅みたいだから「モチ」と名付けたんだ。モチの好きな食べ物は僕たちが与えるヒッピーキブルと、自分で捕まえてくるネズミかな。 普段は外をうろついているけれど、夜にはお店に帰ってきてその日の出来事をお話ししてくれる。 悲しいけど、他の猫ちゃん達 (ビッグマン、リトルマン、バッゾー)は亡くなってしまった。あいつらの事を忘れないように店とユルト (ジェームズ達が住むドーム型のテント)にはあいつらの絵がいっぱい飾られているよ。

- Our heart melts whenever we see your kittie cats on IG. How many cats are there in Analog Cycles? What are their names and what are their favorite foods?

James : We only have one cat right now, Mochi.  She’s named Mochi because she looks like a little fuzzy Mochi ball when she’s crouched down.  Her favorite foods are some hippy kibble we feed her, and the mice she catches.  Mainly she likes to hang out outside, but she comes in at night and talks to us about her day.   It’s a bit sad, but the other cats (Big Man, Little Man, and Buzzo) have passed away.  We miss them and have drawings and bits of art around the shop and yurt to keep them in our hearts.  

- これを読んでいるみんなに言いたいことはある?

James : とにかく自転車に乗ろう。
僕たちはBlue Lugと一緒に仕事ができて本当に光栄に思う。8年前、Gravel & Grindというハイエンドバイクショップ/エスプレッソバーをメリーランドでやっていたんだけど、その店をやるインスピレーションを与えてくれたのは君達だった。AnalogとBlue Lugは約10,000キロ離れているけれど、共通点はたくさんあると思っている。
Blue Lugが組んだTanglefootのバイクを見るのが本当に楽しみだ!

- Anything you would like say to the people reading this?

James : Ride your bike, don’t take yourself too seriously, have fun, come to Vermont and eat a maple creemee!
We consider ourselves very lucky to be working with Blue Lug. 8 years ago Blue Lug was an inspiration for me to start my first bike shop, Gravel & Grind– a high end bike shop/espresso bar in Frederick, Maryland. Analog and Blue Lug have a lot in common, even though we are separated by 10,000 km. We’re looking forward to seeing some Tanglefoot Blue Lug builds!


Thank you for reading!
With love,

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